Sunday, June 15, 2008

MRob: Sideline Reporter

2005 Big Ten Offensive Player of the Year and current San Francisco 49er Michael Robinson has long had an interest in working in sports broadcasting. In April, E!SPN gave him the chance to try his luck as he filled in as a reporter at a women’s softball game between Baylor and Texas.

Of course, as some of you local to the State College area remember, this isn’t MRob’s first foray into the world of television. You may recall his past work with this man:

Great, Great Guy.

Anyway, it looks like MRob did a solid job. We’re sure it’s not an easy thing to be on camera during a live broadcast. The only thing we would’ve done differently is not ask Jay Paterno for advice. Hopefully MRob will get another shot when his football days are over.

Finally, this news gives us an excuse to show you MRob’s finest performance ever shown on TV. Enjoy:


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