Last week we gave a quick look at every game in the Big11Ten and a brief write-up about each one. It's early in the season, so that means there's 11 games to talk about, and like most of you, we don't get to see every game. We're new at this, so we're still trying to find out what works.
We don't want to put you to sleep with a column about Murray State versus Indiana, so we'd rather just write something more substantial about the big news games and just give the results of the others. Besides, what else does anyone else need to know about a Murray State v. Indiana match-up except who won?
First, results.
Purdue: 42
Northern Colorado: 10
Recap, courtesy of
Illinois: 47
Eastern Illinois: 21
Iowa: 42
Florida Internation: 0
Indiana: 45
Murray State: 3
Minnesota: 42
Bowling Green: 17
Northwestern: 24
Duke: 20
With the exception of Northwestern, none of those games were very close. Considering that those teams are, for the most part, the second tier in the conference it's strange how they managed to steam-roll their opponents yet the big teams could barely hang on.
Now regarding the big-time programs.
We almost feel bad for Michigan. They're Michigan, so we're not going to just drop them down into the "second tier" group and give them a pass for poor play. We thought Michigan would improve between games, but honestly, look at this score.
It took Michigan until midway through the fourth quarter to finally put away Miami. Normally when you talk about "putting someone away," it's during a 42-35 shootout when the 42 team gets to 49. Not when you make the leap from 10-6 to 16-6. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Richy Rich was hoping that one of his QBs would solidify themselves as the number one guy this week. Unfortunately for Michigan fans, he referred to his quarterback situation as "The good, the bad and the ugly," during a post game presser. That should be a real boost of confidence for both guys.

Next up for UM is a date with Notre Dame, who was only barely able to pull out a win against San Diego State. Both Notre Dame and Michigan probably think this is their chance to really rebound against a hated rival, we're expecting a 10-7 final.
Moving on.
Marshall really dedicated themselves to stopping PJ Hill after he put up 210 yards against Akron in the opener. Things worked well, but they weren't counting on Allan Evridge going 17-26 for 308 yards. Does that answer the questions at QB that Wisconsin may have had? Maybe. That's a great showing. Maybe they aren't going to be so one dimensional after all.
Marshall may have lost big, but they certainly put out at least a little bit of a blue print as to how to deal with Wisconsin. Unlike any of the Big11Ten teams, Marshall just doesn't have the tools to deal with a balanced offense, but when Wisnconsin runs into a solid defense that can deal with both the run and the pass, it may spell a bit of trouble for Wisconsin. PJ Hill is still a beast, and maybe Evridge will be better than expected but at least part of their game looked a little vulnerable this past weekend.
The Buckeyes trailed 14-12 entering the fourth quarter before getting a rushing TD from Brandon Saine and later a 69 yard punt return by Ray Small that put the Buckeyes ahead by 12.
Did you say 69?
We'll give Ohio State the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe they were looking ahead to USC or that it was because Beanie Wells didn't play. If we were the least bit competent and got our Ohio State preview up, you'd have seen that we were pretty big on Wells, and pretty big on OSU in general. We wouldn't have picked them to beat USC, but there was no way we'd pick them to lose to any team in the Big11Ten.
There's no way they should have ever been down to Ohio, especially that long into the game. Ohio. The Bobcats.
There's no excuse for what happened on Saturday and if there's one team you don't want to play after you've had a shaky game, it's USC. USC is basically everything every other school wishes their football program could be. They win, they have Snoop Dogg on the staff and their cheerleaders moonlight as super models. Pete Carroll will have his guys ready, so sweater vest better make sure his squad knows whats coming.
This is gonna be good.
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