Before we start looking ahead to this week's game against Oregon State (and Hurricane Hannah), here's one last look at the Coastal Carolina game, from our perspective inside the Beav. Enjoy:

Our seats for the game. Not too shabby.

The student section was (predictably) a little late showing up for this one. But they eventually got there in full force.

The Blue Band comes out before the game to work the crowd into a frenzy, as always.

Coastal's massive cheerleading corps.

The highlighted section contains the 15 or so Coastal fans. You can see the little specs of teal in there.

Hey! It's DOTW Duke Flywalker! Note that the score was 14-0 during his performance, and that Coastal scored immediately afteward. Let's keep him away from the Beav for the rest of season, okay?

As things got out of hand, people started heading for the gates.

And even more so when things got more out of hand.

The score when we decided to head out.

This one was interesting. We were watching the replay of the game at home and caught this little misstep by the BTN. We're not all that smart, but we're pretty sure that the guy in the red box is not Stephfon Green (if fact we believe it's Paul Cianciolo). Gotta hand it to the BTN, they're really coming into their own this year.
In defense of the majority of the student section, it really wasn't our fault (for the most part). I arrived at the stadium at 11am and I couldn't get to my seat until 11:45, and I'm a senior! Normally it takes a little under 15 minutes, but this new bs with metal gate-lines in Section A really delayed everyone. But that was just me...and ten thousand other people...
Oh don't worry, we know why everyone was late showing up.
1. They're students, they're never on time!
2. It was Coastal
and 3. The new ticket thingy
No need to defend yourselves, and we're not upset with the students, just an observation.
Its a team effort getting everyone in there on time, so hopefully the kids show up early, and the Uni has the means to get everyone in there quickly for the future games.
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