Monday, September 8, 2008

The World has Stopped Turning

Dear Readers,

This morning we received a call from the International Association of Talking Heads that Govern all Types of Sports Media (including blogs).

Yeah, we thought it was a joke too.

They informed us that we must start off any and all releases for the week with a mention of Tom Brady and his injury.

"But we're a college football blog!" we cried.

Makes no difference, we were told. When the golden boy of the NFL, the world's chosen sports league, goes down, everyone must mourn.

We've made the joke of calling ESPN the World Wide Leader in Yankees Red Sox Patriots and Colts before, but now it will be hard to imagine what's about to happen with the Brady injury.

The bad thing about being a college football fan is that it gets coverage for about 2 hours during the week. The late game ends Saturday night, Sportscenter and Final Score pick up a series of highlights, and then almost immediately look ahead to the NFL. Then the NFL dominates all news clean through Friday. I guess you can say we're used to that kind of treatment though, because we're also hockey fans.

I don't know where this post is heading, but if Tom Brady takes a big stinking shit tomorrow, you better be ready to hear about it and it's impact on not only the olfactory nerves of his family, but also the NFL, United States and major stock markets across the globe.

In other news, sea levels around the world have risen approximately 3 feet since 1:20 pm Sunday.

We'll have real news and our Big11Ten round-up posted later tonight.

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

would i be right to say that you must be a fan of

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